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Breathing Exercise To Lower Stress

Continuing with stress relief, let's get onto eliminating a stressor. Wrong muscles used and overworked cause chronic stress.  The little aches and pains in the shoulder, base of your neck as well as base of your skull.  Those small muscles were never meant to do so much work. Full deep breaths should be 2/3 in lower belly, 1/3 in lungs.  In reality, it all goes in you [...]

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How To Reduce Stress In Your Busy Daily Life

Before I get into ways you can reduce your stress, let me emphasize the need for stress.  It is imperative we have some sort of stress.  It can be life saving.  We need it. If there was no stress we'd accomplish nothing.  Someone's internal drive is a form of stress.  It's used for innovation, exploration as well as preservation.  The key is to have a balance of stress [...]

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Causes Of Back Pain

Unfortunately, some people think you "catch" back pain like a cold, or it hits you when you reach a certain age or your predisposed to it because of genetics... None of those are true. The main reasons are due to imbalances.  Both physical and nutritional.  It's a lot less glamorous than being at the wrong place at the wrong time and falling victim to the excruciating expe [...]

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6 Pillars To Health

The quality of your health and vitality can be narrowed down to 6 pillars. If these 6 pillars are as solid as possible, you'll have the most opportunity to squeeze the most out of what you've been given from your mom and your dad.  The opposite is also true, one weak pillar will break the collective bond. The old idiom attributed to Aristotle "The whole is greater th [...]

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Lower Back Pain – The Back Surgery Alternative

Last week I got a more questions than usual about lower back pain.  It prompted me to do some research and I was shocked to find these stats.  I knew back pain was on the rise just from being in the industry and personally dealing with it since 2001.  Some of the startling facts are: Roughly 80% of people in North America experience back pain.  (The scary part [...]

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Beyond Self Sabotage – Workshop

BEYOND SELF SABOTAGE TORONTO DECEMBER 7-8TH, 2013 The Benefits of Beyond Self Sabotage Will Help You: Find authentic contentment in your life! Succeed in your meaningful goals! Effectively nurture yourself as you move beyond your comfort zone! Make your life a tribute to your unique purpose! Heal the reasons why you sabotage! The door is open for you to join t [...]

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Greatest Hits

Day 2000 of my Tai Chi Gong

On December 4th, 2006 while completing HLC 2 in Vista California at the CHEK Institute, Paul Chek challenged us to a Tai Chi Gong.  Which meant doing a specific Tai Chi movement for at least 10 minutes with a Tai Chi Ruler for 100 consecutive days.  He warned us to only accept the challenge if we were serious about it, at which point, he would seal our commitment  by signing [...]

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Breathing Exercise To Lower Stress

Continuing with stress relief, let's get onto eliminating a stressor. Wrong muscles used and overworked cause chronic stress.  The little aches and pains in the shoulder, base of your neck as well as base of your skull.  Those small muscles were never meant to do so much work. Full deep breaths should be 2/3 in lower belly, 1/3 in lungs.  In reality, it all goes in you [...]

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Fish Broth/Stock

3 or 4 whole carcasses, including heads, of non-oily fish such as sole, turbot, rockfish or snapper 2 tablespoons butter 2 onions, coarsely chopped 1 carrot, coarsely chopped several sprigs fresh thyme several sprigs parsley 1 bay leaf 1/2 cup dry white wine or vermouth 1/4 cup vinegar about 3 quarts cold filtered water Ideally, fish stock is made from the bones of so [...]

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