Sports Performance

You’re fast, you’re strong, you have the mad skills needed to play your favourite sport.

You change your workout routine regularly and do exactly what the professional athletes or famous bodybuilders do. Every now and then, you get a little injury, or some nagging pain here and there, and you chalk it up to collateral damage. Hey, even the pros get them. The annoying part is you’re forced to miss games – either you warm the bench or risk making the injury worse and having to miss even more of the game you enjoy.

Structurally speaking, you are a unique player, and you have your own specific strengths and weaknesses, some of which you’re aware and others maybe unknown to you. Doing all the things you do right on the court or field will get you certain results. Doing the right things… well, is a different ball game all together. At Primal Synergy, our coaches are highly trained to identify your key strengths as well as your weaknesses. We will design an exercise and lifestyle program to take advantage of your strengths while working on your weaknesses, resulting in game excellence. You’ll be more efficient and more effective at your chosen sport, and with improved biomechanical function, greater range of motion, more strength, balance, stability and power your chances of injuries will be greatly diminished.

– Ready to Get Started? Contact us to set up a complementary phone consultation.
– Learn how other PSI Clients have created unstoppable energy and vitality.